Saturday, September 29, 2012

Incoming Transmission: Laser Jo

Hey, all you hominids and space junkies out there! This is Laser Jo reporting from Command Center 276. I only have a short time before the mercs arrive and then its curtains for me. So, let's make this short! War Of The Sun is an epic comic story of stellar proportions. It's about heroes and kinda story...OH NO, time to fly! How 'bout the creators tell you a little something while I bag me some TRASH!

Introducing the two guys that are welding this machine together:

Hi, this is Naji. I’m the author and conceptual designer of the War of the Sun. It has been a long time dream of ours to contribute a tale or a series of tales to the world of science fiction and fantasy. I grew up as a huge fan of J.R.R. Tolkien often spending hours in the library heavily involved in these stories, believing I was alongside these characters slaying dragons and avenging dwarves. A friend later introduced me to James Clemens and his “The Banned and The Banished” series whose unconventional take on the world of fantasy opened doors in my imagination. After revisiting some of my favorite sci-fi films and books I became entranced by the cityscapes of “Blade Runner” and drawn in by the overwhelming horror of “The Island of Dr. Moreau” and his creatures. I decided subsequently that my goal with this project was to combine the historically rich worlds of fantasy epics with the bizarre and oftentimes terrifying elements of science fiction. I’ve been familiar with Evan’s unique artistic skill for many years so he was naturally my first choice for collaboration. I’m confident that he will produce something no one has seen before.

I'm Ev-man, the illustrator and visual designer for War Of The Sun. It's a great honor working with an awesome story teller. Naji's vision is so grand that it allows my imagination to run free when it comes to translating his words into art. This is certainly the first major collaboration of ours with many more anticipated for the future. To give you some of my background, I have been drawing for a long time covering all sorts of mediums. I was always drawn to the merging of greatly skilled art works used in "lesser valued" mediums like comics and cartoons. We have high hopes that War Of The Sun will feed that insatiable hunger for a high quality comic with copious amounts of kickassedness.

Stay tuned for more updates from us as we put everything together. Keep an eye out 'cause we may be seeing you at next year's Comic-Con.

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